Category Archives: WPR records

WPR refers to “whole page redactions.” These are records which have at least one page completely redacted. These were numerous in the 2017-2018 releases, but were mostly released during 2022-2023.

WPRs in the Posada files

Today’s note continues to look at whole page redactions (WPRs) in CIA documents from the JFKARC. These were a feature of the 2017-2018 releases, but have been mostly released in 2022-2023. How many are left? Keep reading to find out!

For those who missed the first installment of this series, including an explanation of WPRs, see here.…

WPRs in the “Tichborn” files

[Revised 9-2-2023]
Today’s note continues to look at whole page redactions (WPRs) in CIA documents from the JFKARC. These were a feature of the 2017-2018 releases, but have been mostly released in 2022-2023. How many are left? Keep reading to find out!

For those who missed the first installment of this series, including an explanation of WPRs, see here.…