Category Archives: Collection issues

Notes on the collection as a whole, including its history, management, and access issues.

CIA redactions as of Feb 2025

This note is the second in a series which looks at redacted records in the JFK ARC as of February 2025. This new note specifically looks at redacted CIA records, which make up the majority of the 2500+ records that still have some information held back.

The main points of this note:

  • The majority of CIA redactions are short
    • About 60 CIA documents redact whole pages
    • The majority of CIA redactions have specific, labeled content
    • The majority of CIA documents have only one or two redactions
    • The subjects of these redacted documents are very miscellaneous

    The point of this note is not to argue that it is okay if ARC redactions are not released.…

    ARC redactions as of Feb 2025

    [updated 2-18]
    I have repeatedly said that there are now fewer than 3000 redacted records in the JFK Assassination Records Collection. Having been challenged more than once on this, I decided to do a complete recount of redactions released in 2022 and 2023.

    This note, dating from February 2025, will serve as my final attempt at such a count.…

    Response to Matt Douthit

    Matt Douthit, a JFK assassination researcher, posted a comment on Fred Litwin’s Youtube interview with me. I respond to Douthit’s comment in this note.

    MD’s comment

    Apologists: “There’s nothing to see in the remaining sealed files!”
    In reality…
    David Morales—61 pages still classified
    William King Harvey—123 pages still classified
    Anne Goodpasture—286 pages still classified

    CIA working files and DCI minutes

    This note concludes my survey of CIA record categories in the JFKARC. It is the fourth and last note in the series. Links to the series are available here. The two categories summarized below include fewer than 540 records, but some of these are quite interesting.

    The DCI morning meeting minutes

    From the early days of the CIA, the DCI (head of the CIA) held a meeting every morning with CIA executive officers, a practice that lasted up until the mid-1970s.…

    CIA files on Oswald

    This is another long-overdue note giving a brief overview of CIA files on Lee Oswald, the man who shot President Kennedy. It is the second in a series of notes on CIA records in the JFKARC. The first note, on CIA docs in HSCA records, is available here.

    Note the plural in the title of this post; there were multiple CIA files devoted to Oswald over the years, as well as files where Oswald was mentioned, but was not the main subject.…

    CIA documents in the HSCA records

    [Corrected and revised on 1/17/24; new refs added 1/23/24]

    This long-overdue note gives a brief overview of CIA documents that were collected by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), a special Congressional committee that investigated the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

    During its 1976-78 investigation, the Committee acquired a massive collection of CIA records, dating from World War 2 all the way up to the 1970s.…

    Reconstructing the J Walton Moore OS file

    This note discusses how I was able to put together again virtually all of a lengthy CIA file using both the latest releases from the ARC and bits and scraps of an ancient file from 1993.

    The file

    The file I am discussing in this note is the CIA Office of Security file for J Walton Moore, who for many years was the head of CIA’s field office in Dallas, including the period when Lee Oswald was a Dallas resident.…

    Judge Tunheim’s letter to President Biden

    Judge John Tunheim served as chair of the Assassination Records Review Board from 1994 to 1998, and together with the other four Board members, deserves much credit for the important accomplishments of the Board, the greatest of which was the successful creation of the massive JFK Assassination Records Collection (JFKARC or ARC), a most valuable contribution to the history of both the JFK assassination and to the historiography of the cold war as a whole.…

    SISS records from the ARC now on line at Mary Ferrell

    Some interesting ARC docs have recently been posted online at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. These docs are records of executive session testimony before the SISS (Senate Internal Security Subcommittee), which conducted a “limited inquiry” into the JFK assassination in late 1963. The session records were acquired by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) all the way back in 1995, and are noted in the ARRB’s Final report (see here and here).…