The JFK records review is concluded

So says a June 30 memo released by the White House on Friday.

The memo thus officially ends the review process begun in October 2021. As a result of the review, President Biden writes in the memo, “With my final certification made in this memorandum -– the last required under the Act -– and definitive plans for future disclosures, my Administration is fulfilling the promise of transparency to the American people.”…

June 27, 2023: 1103 JFK docs posted at NARA

[Corrected and revised on 6/30]

On 27 June 2023, 1103 records from the JFK Assassination Records Collection were posted at NARA. This is the fifth set of records posted at NARA this year. How many of the records in this latest set released previously withheld information? Is there still material withheld in these 1103 records?…

Countdown to release

This note collects a few miscellaneous facts about redactions in the ARC, on the eve of what may be the last release for a while. As this note will show, due to the depleted store of redactions, the coming final June release cannot compare with the last big release in December 2022, much less the 2017-2018 releases.…

June 13, 2023: more releases from the ARC

The fourth set of releases from the JFK ARC for 2023 is now up at NARA. On June 13, 2023, redactions were released in 290 records from the JFK collection. This follows the release of redactions in 1279 records during April and May of 2023. For those keeping count, 1569 records have been released in full this year.…

May 11, 2023: more releases from the ARC

Releases continue from the JFK ARC at NARA. On May 11, 2023, redactons were released in 502 records from the JFK collection. This follows the release of redactions in 777 records during April 2023. That makes 1279 records released in full since the last big document dump in December 2022.…

April 27, 2023: more releases from the ARC

April 27 saw the release of redactions from 355 more records in the JFK ARC. This is on top of redactions released from 422 records on April 12. All 777 records with April releases are now released in full. This note takes a look at the 4/27 releases: where are they from and what kind of information has been released.…

Redactions in the ARC: 5 lists

This note takes a look at who is releasing redactions left in the JFK Assassination Records Collection, and how many redactions are left. It’s not who you thought, and there are not many, it turns out.

Sources for record redactions in the ARC

Most of my notes on the December 2022 releases in the JFK ARC at NARA have dealt with CIA records.…

April 2023 releases from the ARC

April 12 saw the release of redactions from 422 records in the JFK ARC. This means there are now fewer than 4000 “Section 5” records with redactions. This note takes a look at the new releases: where are they from and what kind of information has been released.

Agencies releasing information

Which agencies have released new information this time?…

Back online!

Hello and apologies for anyone who wanted to access this site in the last week and a half. A long overdue upgrade to my server left it hors de combat, until I finally figured out what the problem, with a little help from number two son. There are new releases and I have new research as well to put on line; right now, however, I am still checking to make sure functionality is fully restored.…