The Assassination Collection Reference System (ACRS) is NARA’s online database of finding aids for the JFKARC. This post discusses three sets of FBI records in the ARC which are not listed in the ACRS. Using the Mary Farrell Foundation’s online collection, ARC documents posted online at NARA, and ARRB record notices published in the Federal Register, I have put together an excel file of the missing data which is available here.…
Record number error in the 2018 releases
I have been looking at the ARC records released by NARA on 26 April 2018 again, and there is at least one error identifying a record.
NARA 18 lists the record 104-10012-10037; it is available here
In fact, this record has the identification sheet for ARC 104-10012-10037 on top of it, but the document that follows the sheet is not ARC 104-10012-10037.…
pdf problems at Mary Ferrell
The Mary Ferrell Foundation is my main source for ARC documents. I have a professional membership which allows me to download as many pdfs from their huge collection as I wish. I have very seldom had problems with this service, but after a lapse of several months without downloading anything, I have run into an odd glitch.…
Two more files
Just when I think I’ve squeezed all the data out of the various sources for the JFK ARC, another drop comes out. After checking NARA’s main page for the 2017-2018 releases, I discovered that there were two more pdf files I had not previously downloaded.
The page,, features a fancy html table that gives all the data from the NARA18 spreadsheet online — or so I thought.…
NBR files in the ARC, part 3: Yuri Nosenko
[First posted on June 24, 2019, at]
This post continues looking at CIA records in the ARC designated “not believed relevant” (NBR). The records covered in this post relate to the KGB defector Yuri Nosenko.
Who was Yuri Nosenko?
Yuri Nosenko (1927-2008) was a KGB officer who defected to the United States in 1964.…
NBR files in the ARC, part 2: The ARRB memos
[First posted on May 14, 2019, at]
This is Part 2 of a series of posts I am doing on CIA records in the ARC which were designated “not believed relevant” (NBR). This post corrects the NBR count for CIA documents given in Part I, examines the release history of these NBR documents, and begins a discussion of ARRB memos on groups of NBR records.…
NBR files in the ARC, part 1: “Not Believed Relevant”
[First posted on May 5, 2019, at This is a revised version of the original post!]
This post discusses a set of records in the ARC which were withheld in full until the 2017-2018 releases. These records received much attention, but their signficance for the JFK assassination is actually quite questionable.…
A look back at NF16
[First posted on April 3, 2019, at]
NF16 is a list of 3598 records in the JFK Assassination Records Collection (ARC) at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
NARA released the list in January 2016 in response to an FOIA request by Michael Raznitsky, who asked for a list of all records in the ARC “withheld in full” (WIF) as of November 2015.…
Gaps in the ACRS: A note from NARA
[First posted on March 13, 2019, at]
I have done a couple of posts about the agencies whose records are missing from the Assassination Collection Reference System (ACRS), the on-line database of finding-aids for the JfK Assassination Records Collection at NARA.1 I emailed NARA about the problem a while ago and have recently heard back from them.…
Max Holland on the ARC releases
[First posted on January 25, 2019, at]
Having gone through tons of ARC release trivia, I’m finally looking at what it all adds to our knowledge of the JFK assassination. This post begins with a look at a December 2017 article by Max Holland, who makes many important points on this subject.…