A note on NF18

[First posted on February 11, 2018, at rgr-cyt.org.]

I am still looking at NF18, the new list of JFK records from NARA which The Black Vault website posted January 29. It is interesting and helpful information, but as I said in my last post, I don’t think the list indicates there are still over 3000 JFK records that have never been released.

Jefferson Morley, owner of the JFKFacts blog, posted a note I sent to him on the problem (here), and noted that Rex Bradford at the Mary Ferrell Foundation also does not agree with the figure of over 3000 unreleased records.

The Black Vault’s John Greenewald has since written more on the subject, in a comment posted at JFKFacts (link here).

I will post again when I have finished going over the 3082 records in NARA 2018 which did not appear in NARA 2017, the spreadsheet for the 2017 releases of JFK records. The 798 ‘withheld’ records in NARA 2018 are also worth a separate post.