This is another very technical post, don’t bother with it unless you are obsessive over matching up numbers and pages in JFK ARC releases. This is my least favorite ARC subject by far, but if you want to understand the ARC review and release process in detail, it is something you can’t skip over.…
Category Archives: ++2022 releases
Redacted CIA docs from the 1990s
My most recent note took a second look at redacted CIA docs from the 1940s, to see what is now open after the December 2022 releases. This note does the same thing for redacted docs from the 1990s. My original post on this subject from 2021 is here.
“Miscellaneous” CIA records: a recap
All of these 1990s records are notes, memos, letters, and cables about matters relating to the JFK Act and the ARRB, and are classified in the JFK database as “JFK-M”, where the M stands for miscellaneous.…
Redacted CIA docs from the 1940s
Three notes I posted last year looked at ARC redactions chronologically. The first note looked at the chronological distribution of redacted docs, the second note looked at redacted docs dated to the 1940s, and the third note looked at redacted docs from the 1990s.
This note takes a second look at the 1940s.…
Long redacted CIA docs, 2022
This post picks up from my previous one, and continues grinding through comparisons of CIA redactions in 2021 and 2022 in order to get a better idea of what they are still holding out on us. This note takes a second look at “long” (10 pages) redacted docs. (Those interested can find my first article on the long docs here.)…
Medium length redacted CIA docs, 2022
This post picks up from the previous one, and continues grinding through comparisons of CIA redactions in 2021 and 2022 in order to get a better idea of what they are still holding out on us. This time I look at “medium-length” (2-10 page) redacted docs. These medium long docs are now the largest component in the redacted doc pile.…
New releases up at MFF!
That was fast.
The December 2022 releases in the ARC are up at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. These will be OCR’d and integrated into the superb MFF document database, substantially enhancing their research value. Big thanks from researchers everywhere to Rex Bradford, head guru of the MFF.
As a bonus, Rex also has a long note up on what’s in and out of the new releases.…
Short redacted CIA docs, 2022
This post picks up from the previous one, and continues grinding through comparisons with CIA redactions in 2021 and 2022 in order to get a better idea of what they are still holding out on us. This post looks at “short” (one page) redacted docs. I will suggest below that these short docs are still over-redacted.…
Back to the big picture: A second look at CIA redactions
My recent posts on HSCA documents in the ARC having reached the outer limits of inside baseball, this note will return to my more usual boring topic of counting records and redactions.
Pages and redactions redux: CIA still on top
For those new to my commentary, my interest is redaction/declassification of security classified documents, of which the JFK Assassination Records Collection had plenty.…
Zombies in the House, Part Trois
This is the third note in my “Zombies in the House” trilogy (just pray that it doesn’t turn into a quadrology). Although the title is frivolous, this error in reviewing, or indexing, or whatever it was, has a lesson behind it. I doubt very much whether my note will have more than a couple of readers, but I have done my best to draw that lesson.…
A flawed review: Problematic redactions in HSCA depositions
This is a follow up to my last note. There are indeed problems with a set of documents originated by the HSCA. As a result, several of the new releases from NARA redact text that was put online as long as 15 years ago. These redactions should be re-reviewed and officially re-released as early as possible.…