Category Archives: +2025 releases (forthcoming)

CIA redactions as of Feb 2025

This note is the second in a series which looks at redacted records in the JFK ARC as of February 2025. This new note specifically looks at redacted CIA records, which make up the majority of the 2500+ records that still have some information held back.

The main points of this note:

  • The majority of CIA redactions are short
    • About 60 CIA documents redact whole pages
    • The majority of CIA redactions have specific, labeled content
    • The majority of CIA documents have only one or two redactions
    • The subjects of these redacted documents are very miscellaneous

    The point of this note is not to argue that it is okay if ARC redactions are not released.…

    ARC redactions as of Feb 2025

    [updated 2-18]
    I have repeatedly said that there are now fewer than 3000 redacted records in the JFK Assassination Records Collection. Having been challenged more than once on this, I decided to do a complete recount of redactions released in 2022 and 2023.

    This note, dating from February 2025, will serve as my final attempt at such a count.…